Our first home backyard in Watsonia, Victoria
Email: send2kk@gmail.com, kk.ong@cfa.vic.gov.au
Secondary email: emailkk@yahoo.com.au
Facebook: search KK Ong, send2kk@gmail.com
Web albums, eat-out Melbourne & sustainability systems galleries: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kkjanice/sets
Skype: janice1505 (I use my wife's Skype address at home)
Recently discovered Prof Michio Kaku, inspiring visionary for human civilization's next-wave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=219YybX66MY
My climate change guide, David Suzuki. Another awe inspiring leader for our times.
His movie trailer: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/force-of-nature-the-david-suzuki-movie/
Radio interview in Canada, with El Gore: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrJzaD12CDk&feature=related
Inspirational podcast with 3CR's Zero Emissions Team (page bottom, about 31 mins): http://festival.slf.org.au/
Green Gold - Understand the bigger picture. The parts affect the whole and the whole affects the parts.
Professor Joseph Eugene Stiglitz gives clear insight to the global financial crisis and how it's not over yet, I follow him, an Econs nobel laureate from Columbia Uni; listen to a ear-opening interview with him at http://fora.tv/2010/02/22/Joseph_Stiglitz_Freefall
His views on how we are globall focussing too much on quantity and neglect quality (he got Bhutan's spelling wrong though :-))http://www.cio.com.au/article/356592/gdp_economic_measure_misleading_stiglitz_
His summaries on what's happening in Australia viz a viz our economic future http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/stiglitz128/English
For thought leadership: See http://www.ted.com/ I like David McCandless's work on the beauty of data visualization.
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